
  • Step into the rhythm and groove! Our Sub-Junior Beginner Jazz class is fully tailored and designed for young dancers based on jazz founders’ techniques.

    This class introduces the fundamentals of jazz dance, focusing on energetic movements, dynamic techniques, and expressive choreography. Through fun and lively exercises, children will develop their coordination, musicality, and confidence in a supportive and vibrant environment. Let’s dance to the beat together! 

    Schedule: Monday from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
    Price: $316.40 + HST (Sept to Dec)

  • Building on the foundation of our Beginner Jazz class, our Junior Jazz class dives deeper into jazz techniques, focusing on intricate footwork, dynamic movements, and expressive performance. Through engaging routines and high-energy exercises, students will enhance their coordination, rhythm, and stage presence. Let’s groove and shine together in our jazz journey!

    Schedule: Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30 pm

    Price: $339.00 (Sept to Dec)

  • This is a one-on-one or shared by two students special service tailored for the client(s) needs. After an assessment to determine the student(s) kills dance level, our instructors will create a special training focusing on developing necessary abilities to take dancers to the next level in their journey. Come and dance with our qualified dance instructors!

    Schedule: Schedules depend on instructors’ availability due to the high demand of this service. Call or email us for more availability
    Price: $70.00 + HST per class/hour

    Minimum 10 Lessons Package, renewed as requested at the end of each cycle.

    Total: $791.00